Document Management Workflow Set on Power Automate

We have designed a set of 13 Power Automate workflows for ultimate document approval, publication and training. Workflows are generic to cover the needs of most organizations and very flexible to be adapted if needed.

Automated rules trigger actions and alerts which reduce manual work, avoiding document confusion, reducing time to publish documents, and making sure collaborators understand published documents. Actions performed by automated workflows are the following:

  • Create documents from any template
  • Set a unique document identification
  • Request approval for new documents, revisions and archiving
  • Review, approve and publish documents with easy approval on any device
  • Get full traceability on review, approval, and training receipts
  • Archive completed review, approval, training receipts

We provide an optional eSignature add-in which can be used together with these workflows for additional security, like required by medical regulations.

Workflows are ready to be imported and plugged with the our modern apps for quality/medical compliance on Office 365. With little effort, our teams can help clients to plug workflows on their classic version of BPA Quality.