Agiles eQMS für den Dienstleistungssektor

BPA Solutions agile and cost-effective software supports process management, service request management, process automation, contracts and document management, project management, as well as reporting and analytics. By leveraging BPA’s eQMS, improve customer satisfaction, streamline processes and optimize resource allocation, ensure compliance with contracts and SLAs, deliver projects successfully, and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Agiles eQMS für den Dienstleistungssektor
Streamlined process management

To ensure consistency and efficiency, BPAQualität365® enables service providers to optimize operations, and effectively adapt to changing market dynamics. BPA’s QMS software makes it easy for collaborators to understand processes and their associated regulations with visual process maps.

Effective service request management

Mit BPAQuality365®, streamline and automate your service request processes. It allows to easily capture and prioritize service requests, assign tasks, and track their progress. The software provides effective tools for ticket management, task assignment, and service level agreement (SLA) tracking. With BPA, enhance response times, improve service quality, and ensure timely resolution of customer issues.

Robust process automation and optimization

BPAQualität365® allows companies to fully digitize manual processes, streamline workflows, and eliminate inefficiencies. The software allows to automate tasks such as service requests, contract approval, and reporting, improving accuracy and productivity. With its advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, BPA’s eQMS allows you to improve client satisfaction, track KPIs, and unlock continuous improvement.

Efficient project management

BPAQualität365® enables to plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively, ensuring that they are completed on time and within budget. The software provides tools for task management, milestone tracking, and project collaboration. Streamline project workflows, improve team coordination, and deliver projects successfully with an intuitive and cost-effective eQMS fully powered by Microsoft 365.

Advanced reporting and analytics

Mit BPAQuality365® generate comprehensive reports and gain actionable insights from your data. With its advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, track and measure KPIs, monitor service metrics, and analyze customer satisfaction. Leveraging Power BI, generate custom dashboards, visual reports, and performance scorecards, quickly identifying areas of improvement, and enhancing operational efficiency.

Microsoft 365

Die beste Technologie für Ihr QMS

Microsoft 365 bietet die höchste Sicherheit für Ihre QMS-Daten.
Microsoft 365 genießt weltweit das Vertrauen von Unternehmen.
Senken Sie die Kosten, indem Sie die erworbenen Microsoft 365-Tools für Ihr QMS nutzen.

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die mit BPA Solutions weiter wachsen

Sehen Sie aus erster Hand, was BPA Solutions zu bieten hat

"Wir waren in der Lage, unsere 1200 Qualitätsdokumente erfolgreich in ein elektronisches, vollständig verwaltetes System mit Versionskontrolle und elektronischen Signaturen zu integrieren - etwas, das wir für unsere regulatorischen Anforderungen implementieren müssen.....".

Symbios Orthopédie Fallstudie

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