Quality Managers – The Time Has Come to be Recognized for Your Work

Quality Management used to be an inessential responsibility plotted in the organization chart of many companies I was helping to get certified. It’s like there was no clear position in the organization chart for Quality Management. Even today, the Quality Management function is not always fully recognized.

Quality Manager

Like a music director leading his musicians, a Quality Manager needs to have very close relations with all service managers in the organization. The concert will only play in perfect harmony if director and musicians do their part of the job. There needs to be quality orchestration.

Unfortunately, in many organizations, Quality Managers have to play the music alone, with limited support from process managers and poor sponsorship from General Management. Chasing and motivating collaborators that are not fully engaged in the QMS becomes a daily task for Quality Managers.

As a result, Quality Management has turned out to be centralized, less efficient and Quality Managers lack recognition for their work.

The time has come for Quality Managers to be recognized for their work.

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