Accelerate Quality with Generative AI

Q-Pilot – your ideal eQMS companion

Q-pilot, the ideal virtual assistant for your eQMS | #1 eQMS on Microsoft 365

Let AI simplify your work

Q-Pilot, nicknamed Q, streamlines Quality Management and improves efficiency by leveraging generative AI (ChatGPT). Dedicated to your internal eQMS data, it works like a chatbot and can be consulted through Microsoft Teams or the interface of BPAQuality365 and BPAMedical365.

Unlike Microsoft Copilot (limited to office productivity), it is designed to boost performance of your Quality Management System, helping users to quickly solve problems, find the right information and comply with complex regulations.

Ask Q-Pilot to find documents and similarities.

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    Simplify quality management

    Easily find documents, quickly create new reports and much more! 


    Minimize manual work and boost productivity

    Fully leverage automation and reach ultimate accuracy and precision.

    Lower Cost

    unlock efficient compliance

    A virtual assistant that helps you fully understand complex requirements.

    Continuously Improve With Your AI Assistant

    • Ask any question and get instructive answers based on your eQMS content.
    • Q-Pilot facilitates problem solving by helping you find similar quality events and recommending corrective actions. It assists you to correctly populate the eQMS and better understand requirements and good practices.
    • With Q-Pilot, your eQMS becomes a key venue for continuous training, onboarding and daily efficiency.
    BPA Pilot - reach ultimate levels of efficiency daily
    BPA Pilot enables a culture of precision, accuracy, efficacy

    Enable accuracy and precision

    • Traditional search engines (e.g. Google) display results based on exact matches of the searched keywords but won’t be ideal for searching contextual documents presenting different keywords.
    • Thanks to its GenAI capability, Q writes a content summary of the best matching documents related to the searched context, including a link to all sources, significantly improving efficiency when searching for accurate data, and drastically saving time

    Take faster, better decisions

    • By providing accurate insights, AI supports informed decision-making therefore improving quality outcomes.
    • Get quick information from Q just by asking common questions (e.g. what are the most frequent root causes in non-conformities?). As a result, you will obtain an overview of possible root causes with their related nonconformities.
    take faster better decisions with BPA Pilot

    Minimize cost of manual work

    • BPA’s AI-powered eQMS allows users to find relevant content faster than traditional QMS software with no generative AI integration.
    • GenAI instantly provides summarized content related to the prompted keywords, including references to internal documents and data available in the QMS.
    • The list of all references allows you to instantly view the related document section or data matching the prompted keywords, saving significant time. It also offers users with a broader understanding of useful related content available across the whole QMS.

    Accelerate compliance with Regulations

    • AI models like ChatGPT – leveraged by Q-Pilot – process large volumes of data 24/7. Ensuring consistent application of rules, they minimize human mistakes greatly improving data quality while reducing operational costs.
    • Q understands standards and makes sure complex regulatory requirements are applied, facilitating compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 27001 to mention few.
    • This virtual assistant can anticipate trends or anomalies, facilitates risk management and strategic decision making. It can also assist when onboarding staff on QMS procedures, managing document control processes, and providing ongoing support.
    save time and money and focus on what really matters with BPA Pilot

    Instantly find out more!



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      success stories

      100s of Customers and Counting


      Product : BPAQuality365

      OIKEN is a DSO, a distribution network operator managing electricity, heating, multimedia, water networks as well as everything related to outdoor lighting. With over 550 employees they have been successfully implementing BPA's all-in-one ready-to-use eQMS to achieve ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and Valais Excellence.

      OIKEN Success Story

      Product : BPAMedical365

      Symbios is a Swiss medical technology company, and the leader in individualized orthopedic implants for hip and knee joint replacement. With over 200 employees worldwide they have been successfully audited by four different notified bodies.

      Symbios Success Story

      Product : BPAQuality365

      Groupe-E is a manufacturer, producer and distributor of electrical energy, as well as a producer of services and goods linked to the energy transition. The company has 2,600 employees, spread over around ten sites across Switzerland...

      Groupe-E Success Story
      Zuellig Pharma

      Product : BPA Quality

      We have reduced the workload of Operations and Quality by automating flows. The eQMS deployment of all our 16 markets was made easy with BPA tools. With BPA migration assistant, copying the BPA settings from one site to another was...

      Zuellig Pharma Success Story
      Imspex Medical

      Product : BPA Quality

      The key result from this partnership with BPA is that Imspex successfully achieved ISO 13485 certification in the span of nine months from signing the contract to being audited in...

      Imspex Medical Success Story

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