Report All Events
in the QMS

Incident & Failure Catalogue Power Apps

Report All Events In The QMS

Incident Power Apps

The app is dedicated to frontline and back-office collaborators to facilitate the registration of incidents, nonconformities or events anywhere even offline, on any device. Users can take photos and notes while registering incidents. Any registered event will be synchronized back in the BPA software. Automated workflows ensure the right people are alerted, the incident is investigated, and corrective actions are effective.

BPA Failure Catalogue Power Apps

Failure Catalogue Power Apps

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    Report All Events In The QMS

    Report all Events in the QMS

    Get more data to analyze, improve processes and reduce the cost of non-quality.

    Take Faster Decisions

    Take Faster Decisions

    No need to ask line managers, get quick product acceptance info in the failure catalogue.

    Runs On Power Apps

    Runs on Power Apps

    Power Apps brings ultimate Office 365 integration.

    Take Faster Decision with a Failure Catalogue

    We designed the app to match 2 major usages, incident registration and failure catalogue. Selected incidents can be added in a failure catalogue to be displayed in the app and browsed by frontline workers on production lines, simplifying decisions about product acceptance without asking line managers.

    Combining the front-end Incident Power Apps and backend QMS software, enterprises get an end-to-end solution for optimal problem solving, allowing everyone to report incidents easily with any device, anywhere.

    Incident and Failure Catalogue App on Microsoft Power Apps



    Boosting user experience & have fun!



    Enhancing your existing assets & be unique!



    Enabling modern technologies & go smart!

    success stories

    100s of Customers and Counting


    Product : BPAQuality365

    OIKEN is a DSO, a distribution network operator managing electricity, heating, multimedia, water networks as well as everything related to outdoor lighting. With over 550 employees they have been successfully implementing BPA's all-in-one ready-to-use eQMS to achieve ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and Valais Excellence.

    OIKEN Success Story

    Product : BPAMedical365

    Symbios is a Swiss medical technology company, and the leader in individualized orthopedic implants for hip and knee joint replacement. With over 200 employees worldwide they have been successfully audited by four different notified bodies.

    Symbios Success Story

    Product : BPAQuality365

    Groupe-E is a manufacturer, producer and distributor of electrical energy, as well as a producer of services and goods linked to the energy transition. The company has 2,600 employees, spread over around ten sites across Switzerland...

    Groupe-E Success Story
    Zuellig Pharma

    Product : BPA Quality

    We have reduced the workload of Operations and Quality by automating flows. The eQMS deployment of all our 16 markets was made easy with BPA tools. With BPA migration assistant, copying the BPA settings from one site to another was...

    Zuellig Pharma Success Story
    Imspex Medical

    Product : BPA Quality

    The key result from this partnership with BPA is that Imspex successfully achieved ISO 13485 certification in the span of nine months from signing the contract to being audited in...

    Imspex Medical Success Story

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