Display selected buttons to end users.
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With BPA Apps, you can view documents or items with highly configurable DataViewer (DV) and Master Detail (MD) components. Among possible options, you can select buttons to display to end users, like:
- Default buttons (to create a new item, edit, delete, share to Teams, get alerted, version history, etc.)
- Custom button to open a Microsoft Form (e.g. for readers to submit a nonconformity)
- Custom buttons to redirect on other pages
- Custom buttons to open Power BI reports
In front of each DV line, it’s also possible to display options, like a quick edit and delete icons based on user permissions.
Power users can simply edit a page and open the DV or MD configurator to select default buttons or custom buttons to display to end users. Custom Buttons can be created easily in the BPA Settings.
Typical buttons to display in a MD, are edit, delete, start a discussion in Teams and version history.
Note that the mail merge button includes a wizard to select options when producing a mail merge report. We will discuss this in a separate video. New buttons will be added constantly.
As a conclusion, power users can display selected buttons to end users and create custom buttons in DV or MD components.