How to Prefill Forms with Parameters?

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It now possible to prefill forms with you own data or inherited parent data, enforcing users to enter consistent data in the software and reduce the risk of error when filling in forms.

Here is a page with a data viewer component to view external contacts and internal collaborators. 2 buttons have been added to create a new item in the list. By selecting + collaborator, the form is prefilled with the right contact type.

The same can be done from a page with a master detail, for buttons in the master part.

This contact is linked with an organization. When creating a new action, it would be nice to link the action with contact and the related organization. This is now possible and the form opens with both parent columns prefilled. This means the action will be visible from the organization page as well. This is extremely useful for any item linked with related parents.

For contact-related activities, you can set different buttons for tasks and meetings. When assigning a task, the form opens with prefilled title, activity type, status and origin. The same applies when scheduling a meeting.

Let’s have a look at the configuration of this task form. It’s important to know that buttons pass parameters to the form. It means, configuration is done in the MD or DV, together with buttons.

Open the MD configurator. In the child list, select the activities list. A new button has been created to assign a task. Click … to open the button parameters. In the connect menu, you can add the needed connected fields. 3 options are possible: set a fix value ; set a value from a destination field, or the same value from the parent.

4 prefilled columns were already added, like the organization column to inherit from the contact organization.

Note that dynamic tags will be supported later (like setting a date to be today).

With this new option, you make sure users enter consistent data in forms, and reduce the risk of missing information.