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Silverside Strengthens Partnership with BPA


Silverside wants to inspire people and motivate them to reach their full potential. If employees have passion for their work and enjoy the collaborative process, productivity will naturally follow. BPA’s goal: increase end user adoption of collaboration platforms with our 3G methodology for SharePoint and IBM Connections. As part of our “buy and extend” software development strategy, BPA is excited to build our partnership with Silverside, one of the best-of-breed solutions in the IBM and Microsoft partner network today.

Over the past year the Dutch marketplace has matured enough to implement business solutions with SharePoint. But several customers of Silverside were disappointed in the long lead time for developing SharePoint business applications. “We had to offer our customers an alternative solution. That’s when we turned to BPA to evaluate our web part portfolio. We can now deliver custom applications in less than 30%-40% of the regular development lead time. For example, we can change the look and feel of forms and lists in just a matter of minutes with no development. The BPA xRM platform truly leverages all that SharePoint has to offer,” says Andre Krijnen, SharePoint architect and partner at Silverside.

The old expression says,

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

and BPA is no exception. BPA has built its line of standard business applications on SharePoint using its own web part toolbox, showing BPA’s confidence in its solutions.

Our customer base especially appreciates specially the CRM and Quality Management applications. Most importantly, BPA believes what we believe: increasing the end user adoption of SharePoint,

By working together, BPA and Silverside bring their customers better collaborative tools—and higher productivity as a result.

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